The Move FWD System

Your Way Forward

I created a detailed system called Financially Wise Divorce and designed itspecifically for women, like you, going through divorce. In my system, you receive custom tools to help you get ‘all things divorce’ organized. You will learn so many tips that will save you time and money in your divorce. I will guide you through the steps that are commonly overlooked and help you avoid mistakes. All of this will help you feel more confident as you agree to the final numbers.

Step 1:

Preparing for Your Divorce

Step 2:

Working with Your Divorce Team

Step 3:

Clarity on Your Priorities & Goals

Step 4:

Getting Organized

Steps 1-4:  Michelle’s team provides your attorney with your statements in PDF format – saving you time and money through our secured communication.

 Step 5:

Mistakes to Avoid

& Tips to Consider

Step 6:

Options & Strategies

Steps 4-6:  Michelle collaborates with your attorney to brainstorm creative strategies related to your unique goals and priorities. Some assets are better divided than others based on what you plan to use them for. Often there are tax-related strategies when dividing assets that get left behind. Michelle will bring awareness to these unique strategies. She will also review your budget for accuracy so you and your attorney are working off of accurate data.

Step 6:  If a re-finance or new mortgage is needed, Michelle coordinates with a divorce mortgage specialist to lay out options you have. This is important to do pre-divorce as how you can qualify for a mortgage may impact income/assets you get/keep in divorce.

If there are complex tax issues, Michelle may coordinate with your current/new CPA pre-divorce.

If you will need to change health insurance post-divorce, Michelle will pro-actively coordinate with a health insurance broker and compare individual rate options. Knowing your premium post-divorce helps with accuracy in your budget that is used in the divorce discussions.

Step 7:

Michelle Will Review Your Draft Divorce Papers

Step 8:

The way forward

In the Way forward step, you will receive:

1. A FWD Roadmap –summarizing your goals, priorities, and recommended financial actions

2. FWD Executive Summary of your divorce decree – detailing who does what next

3. Post-Divorce Checklist –clarifying what Michelle will handle, what you’ll need to do

Step 8:  Michelle will provide your attorney your customized FWD Executive Summary checklist to clarify what steps he/she will handle vs. Michelle vs. you. It is common that important next steps get lost in the lengthy divorce decree. This summary helps ensure everyone is on the same page and clear on what the next steps will be. Post-divorce – Months/years in the future, Michelle may need to clarify with your attorney financial matters that come up. Michelle’s continual relationship with your attorney may be very valuable for these future issues that can come up.

Ready to Get Started?

Schedule Your Complimentary Strategy Session Today


Helping You Move Forward with the Financially Wise Divorce System includes:

                        1. Reviewing your priorities in your divorce
                        2. Exploring your divorce options based on your financial picture
                        3. Connecting you with other resources you might need
                        4. Discussing if working together would be valuable for you

Ready to Get Started?

Schedule Your Complimentary Strategy Session Today


Helping You Move Forward with the Financially Wise Divorce System includes:


  1. Reviewing your priorities in your divorce
  2. Exploring your divorce options based on your financial picture
  3. Connecting you with other resources you might need
  4. Discussing if working together would be valuable for you


Michelle Klisanich, CFP®, CDFA®
Wealth Advisor


10900 Wayzata Blvd.
Suite 720
Minnetonka, MN 5530


P: (612) 315 - 2400

F: (612) 315 - 2432

Professional Affiliations

Family Law League


Important Disclosures | CRS FORM