My Story of Divorce
2011: I knew divorce was in my future. For me, it was something I had to choose for my own safety. Even though I knew this was the right thing to do for my well-being, it didn’t make the decision any easier. I did have supportive family and friends, but I still found it difficult to share. I felt so alone. It was hard for me to open up to the closest people in my life. In hindsight, I wish I would have been more vulnerable with those that loved me- I know they would have supported me no matter what. Us women are so good at figuring it out and being resourceful. All I wanted was to feel in control. In divorce, it is so easy to isolate yourself because of the shame and guilt. I remember feeling so scared and angry.

Dear one, If you are going through this today, one of the biggest things I recommend is opening up to those you trust and letting them in on how you are feeling. This way you can have a support system to hold you up during this difficult journey.
The part of divorce that scared me the most was the financial aspect. This came as a surprise to me. I have been helping people with their money since I was a teenager. Why now, would I feel insecure about what I was trained and skilled to do? Naturally, money can be scary. I was scared because I didn’t know what my options were. I was relying on my attorney for the dissolution of marriage and emotional support. I wish I had found a therapist to walk me through this difficult time.
Sweet friend, if this is you right now, there is no shame in having a professional help you with your mental health. It doesn’t matter whether the divorce was your choice, their choice, or mutual. Divorce is a huge life change. Investing in your emotional health is so valuable.
“I share your same story and I know how difficult this path can be for women. I am here for you as you navigate the unknowns of divorce. “
I didn’t realize the affect divorce would have on both my physical and mental health. While I was going through my divorce, I lived with my sister. It was a safe place to for me to stay as I was making my decisions. There were days when I could not get out of bed and my sister would push me to get up. I remember her spoon feeding me oatmeal one morning, telling me that I must eat. Eating is one of my favorite things to do, so the fact that I had a hard time shoving food down my mouth, meant that I was truly struggling. Divorce makes you go through so much change: emotional, physical, financial. You might be moving houses. Your friends may change. Your brain is in overload with information and emotional coping. Couple all of that with financial changes, and it’s a lot!
My divorce happened quickly, thankfully. It took about 3 months to get through the entire process. I hired an attorney, but it got really ugly very quickly. I wish I had taken the time and interviewed more attorneys. My attorney’s personality was litigative, battle-ish and powerful. I thought I needed the powerful attorney because my ex had anger management issues. The reality is the more things that get battled out, the more conflict and money is spent on the divorce. It doesn’t always bring you value to have a forceful attorney.
My friend, you will be in good hands if you hire your attorney based on both acumen and personality fit. I have heard this same sentiment from many divorce attorneys. Having an attorney that is kind, gentle, collaborative and communicative doesn’t mean you will make out any worse in divorce.
Divorce can bring on impulse decision making. I remember wanting to sell my house to get rid of all of the bad memories. I felt like I could have changed my mind every day or every week I was going thru so much change. I ultimately took my time on the sale of my home. It took a lot of willpower, but I was really glad I took my time in making those big financial decisions both during and after my divorce.
Dear one, by slowing down a little, you will allow yourself to make better decisions. Life will settle and you will be more prepared to make big decisions like selling the house or changing jobs.
There was light at the end of the tunnel for me and I know, in time, you will see this for your life too.
I can recall soon after my divorce thinking I was going to be single my whole life. I had visions of being a sad old lady in a wheel chair all by myself. I knew in my heart that I wanted to find love again, but had all kinds of irrational fears going through my head.
A friend of mine taught me that time is healing and you can’t speed up time. The months went by and glimmers of hope were appearing in my life. I went from completely fallen apart to feeling super empowered, powerful and finding my voice again. It wasn’t long after that I found the love of my life, my now husband. We met through mutual friends at a wedding. Looking back, it took all of that pain to find a healthy relationship and true love.

"Sweet friend, believe in yourself, follow your heart, and good things will start to happen."
Ready to Get Started?
Schedule Your Complimentary Strategy Session Today
Helping You Move Forward with the Financially Wise Divorce System includes:
- Reviewing your priorities in your divorce
- Exploring your divorce options based on your financial picture
- Connecting you with other resources you might need
- Discussing if working together would be valuable for you
Ready to Get Started?
Schedule Your Complimentary Strategy Session Today
Helping You Move Forward with the Financially Wise Divorce System includes:
- Reviewing your priorities in your divorce
- Exploring your divorce options based on your financial picture
- Connecting you with other resources you might need
- Discussing if working together would be valuable for you

Michelle Klisanich, CFP®, CDFA®
Wealth Advisor
SUITE 2500
P: (612) 315 - 2400
F: (612) 315 - 2432
Professional Affiliations
Family Law League


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